Monday, July 14, 2008

PLC Planting

Pouring rain did not deter an enthusiastic group of PLC students who joined us in a planting session at Vlamingh. All the plants had been grown in the PLC nursery, some from seed and some from cuttings, and were in excellent condition. They included acacia, hardenbergia and olearia and provided important infill to the recent plantings.

The girls worked hard and all the plants were staked and bagged by the time a large front came through, half an hour before we had finished. While the workers were drenched, the plants had an excellent start!

We really appreciate the time and effort the girls and their teacher put into both growing and planting the seedlings.

Planting local species is particularly important as it provides a much needed food source and habitat for birds and insects and adds to the interest and diversity of our local natural environment.

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