Monday, July 02, 2007

Angels in the Dunes?

The heavens must have thought that angels were coming to help us plant - instead of the rain and wind that was forecast for Wednesday morning the 27th June, we had sunshine and blue skies! We were so lucky - just as we had finished planting the seedlings, the clouds burst and it rained beautifully to give them a good start for their growth. Was it because the 52 lovely students from St Mary's had a special connection to the weather god?!

Here is half of the group listening attentively to the demonstration on how to plant our precious seedlings:Meanwhile, the other half of the girls was walking along the beach, collecting rubbish and learning about marine life with our Coastcare Officer. Then they swapped. Both groups split into three- and foursomes with CCA volunteers and planted six different species of 200 Cottesloe coastal natives into prepared holes on our new Bryan Way foredune project.

For the girls it was a positive, hands-on experience of doing something pleasurable and practical, tangible and useful for the environment, and we appreciated their enthusiasm and obvious interest. Maybe they'll visit Cottesloe in a couple of years' time and see with joy how well their plants have grown and how much more interesting the dunes look with the weeds replaced by a wonderful display of local biodiversity.

(Photo taken by Sue Freeth)


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